NetControl dX


  • Windows based
  • Ethernet controlled
  • User friendly
  • Free user presets
  • Free speaker presets
  • Easy re-arrange presets
  • Easy re-arrange speaker presets
  • Locate device
  • Lock device


NetControlFX is a user-friendly software suite to control dX9 amplifiers. You can create projects both in online and offline modes and store complete amplifier files or speaker/output files. Speaker files are easy to arrange in the output library and Speakerfiles can be stored in presets, Complete presets can be stored and managed in the library. After you are finished you can store it in the amplifier or local on your disk and clone the amplifier. This ensures you setting up very fast all parameters for the dX9 amplifiers outputs or even complete setups!




17.3 MB * Unzip on preferred location * Double click the .EXE * Work around the warning of windows "unknown Publisher" * The install menu will appear and follow the steps



Please read this file before you use your dX9